Why is Palm Tree Trimming Important?
Palm trees are the best landscaping feature and grow well here in Arizona. However, palm trees can grow out of control quickly and tend to suffer from other ailments such as insect infestations, under fertilization, and palm tree diseases. If you incorporate them into your landscape, it is important to nurture them. It is also crucial to give care and maintenance so that they will thrive and remain healthy. However, consider palm tree trimming so they don’t become a safety hazard and a potential danger to your home and its occupants.
Professional Palm Trimming Service Gilbert

All About Trees has the trusted and certified professionals when it comes to palm tree trimming and maintenance. We offer the best palm tree trimming service throughout the East Valley. With our experienced tree trimming experts, we can ensure both palm trees’ safety and yours.
Palm trees can become quite the safety hazard when left uncared for or unmaintained. When people leave palm trees uncared for or unmaintained, they can become significant safety hazards. Because of their frond’s height, weight, and size, falling fronds can be very dangerous causing potentially serious injuries. Another factor to consider with palm tree maintenance and care is that each specie needs custom care. All About Trees arborists are very knowledgeable and experienced with the many different kinds of palm species. They are also equipped to care and maintain for them in their own individual ways.
While palm trimming is ideally done annually there are different factors to consider depending on the type of palm tree you have.
When to Trim Palm Trees?
Mexican Fan Palms – needs trimming every first week of June. This is so the seed pods will be fully developed and they won’t throw out seed pods after they are trimmed, until the following year.
California Palms – we recommend trimming the second week of July for maximum benefit to the tree.
Date Palms – requires trimming in May, if you want to avoid a seed mess.
Queen Palm – this palm is tough in the desert. Our soils lack many nutrients they require. In order to maximize their potential nutrients, we must artificially place nutrients. We fertilize them via deep root feeding.
Royal Palms, Foxtail Palms, and Veithchia Palms don’t need trimming because they naturally shed fronds when needed without much potential danger. They do still need nutrients and care to help them grow. And as with all types of palm trees if they are not cared for properly they are in danger of dying & needing tree removal or becoming safety hazards to you and your family.
We offer both residential & commercial palm tree trimming services in Gilbert, Chandler, and surrounding cities. We also offer palm skinning. This can help with roof rats, birds, and insect control. It also provides a cleaner look and increases curb appeal. Should you have questions regarding palm tree care, palm tree maintenance, or would like to schedule a palm tree trimming appointment or consultation, please give us a call or fill out one of our quote forms today!